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Big carnival party at the OTTOJANERN
The OTTOJANER celebrate their 71st costume party on February 22, 2025 at the AMO. Under the motto “OTTO - A Thousand and One Laughs”, it will be an exuberantly cheerful caravan with live music, show dancing and acrobatics. For one long night, the AMO will be transformed into a magical world of magic lamps, djinns, flying carpets and beautiful princesses. Tickets for the OTTOJANER party night are available from 31.95 euros in advance and 37 euros at the box office.
About Kant's peace draft in book series
The exhibition “Immanuel Kant's essay ‘On Perpetual Peace’ in book series” can be seen in the University Library until March 31, 2025. It presents editions of Kant's 1795 peace essay from the Ute-und-Wolfram-Neumann-Stiftung book series. Neele Wiezer curated the exhibition, which was prepared by the Chair of German Cultural Studies: Modern German Literature and the Book Series Research Unit. It can be visited during the library's opening hours.
Extended opening hours of the University Library during the examination period
The University Library will have extended opening hours during the examination period. From January 26 to February 16, 2025, the University Library will be open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 9 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm as well as Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm in addition to the regular opening hours. Please let your students know about this.
Companies support students with a scholarship
Another tip for your students: Three regional companies support university students with at least 300 euros per month. The aim is to bring young talent into contact with suitable employers at an early stage. The application phase for the company scholarship runs until February 9, 2025.
Help for those affected by the attack on the Magdeburg Christmas market
Almost three weeks after the attack on Magdeburg's Christmas market, our thoughts are still with the many injured and our sincere condolences go out to the victims and their families. Among them are numerous students and employees of the university. We assure them of our full support. We strongly condemn the political instrumentalization of the attack as well as the verbal and physical attacks and discrimination against our international students and employees.
Another night of science - Save the Date June 14
There will be another Long Night of Science in 2025. “Knowledge from here” is the motto again on June 14. Your ideas are needed. What exciting offers would you like to present from your field of research on the Long Night? There will be an official survey in January. You then have until the end of February to register your ideas.
A look at yesterday and today in the new year
Calendars for 2025 with views of the Magdeburg University campus from yesterday and today can now be ordered online (in German). The transformation of the university becomes visible in 12 photomontages of current and historical views from 50 years of university history. The price is 20 euros. The proceeds will go towards a German scholarship.
General rules for written English texts
Our corporate design (CD) is a guideline for uniform design, both for the visual appearance and for texts. In addition to the writing rules for German-language texts, translation standards for English-language fonts have now also been published to ensure a uniform appearance. Texts must always be translated into American English. The dictionary for American English by Merriam-Webster is recommended as a reference work. To the "General rules for written English publications".
New operating rules for the vehicle fleet
There are new operating rules for the vehicle fleet of the university. They regulate, among other things, the driving of company vehicles, their use, the transportation of persons in them, what to do in the event of accidents, the performance of technical inspections, the application for and return of vehicles. You can find the complete vehicle fleet operating regulations in the university's public announcements in German.
Accepted to the Microtec Academy
Our university has been accepted into the Microtec Academy. This makes it an official location of this federally funded, supra-regional and inter-company vocational training academy for micro- and nanotechnologies in Saxony-Anhalt. In future, OVGU will participate in the development of new, contemporary personnel development modules in micro- and nanotechnologies within this framework.