Umfrage & Infos zur Neustrukturierung der Uni-Website
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Survey & information on the restructuring of the university websiteDear colleagues, after officially starting the restructuring of our website with the kick-off last week, we would like to involve and inform you in the further course of the project. Share your experience with us!We have created a short survey for this purpose. We would like to find out what you use our website for, what you think of the content and how you rate the functions. We would be delighted if you would take 10 minutes of your time and take part in the survey! Stay up to date!The landing page for the restructuring is updated regularly, the status of the project is communicated and new information is published. There you will also find, for example, an overview of the working groups and the recording of the kick-off*. Feel free to check the site regularly! *Colleagues from MED who have problems logging in to the media site should send an e-mail to . If this does not work either, please send an e-mail to . Get information about the cloud chat!The chat function of the OVGU cloud is used for communication within the working groups. There will be an introduction via Zoom on 7.3.2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. All OVGU members can participate to get to know the chat function as well. In terms of content, we will focus on how the project groups communicate via the chat and answer questions about it. The team from the URZ will answer questions about how you can use the chat function for other cases in another meeting. Meeting ID: 698 4483 6859 Can't be there? No problem! The information event will be recorded and then published on the landing page for the restructuring.
Best regards from the entire project team |