Welcome to the employee portal of the OVGU

The information portal for employees at the OVGU is under construction.

Currently you will find news from the university, forms and important information.
What we want to achieve with the HR portal and how you can help create it, you can find out here.

Latest news
Big carnival party at the OTTOJANERN
03.02.2025  |  

The OTTOJANER celebrate their 71st costume party on February 22, 2025 at the AMO. Under the motto “OTTO - A Thousand and One Laughs”, it will be an exuberantly cheerful caravan with live music, show dancing and acrobatics. For one long night, the AMO will be transformed into a magical world of magic lamps, djinns, flying carpets and beautiful princesses. Tickets for the OTTOJANER party night are available from 31.95 euros in advance and 37 euros at the box office.

About Kant's peace draft in book series
03.02.2025  |  

The exhibition “Immanuel Kant's essay ‘On Perpetual Peace’ in book series” can be seen in the University Library until March 31, 2025. It presents editions of Kant's 1795 peace essay from the Ute-und-Wolfram-Neumann-Stiftung book series. Neele Wiezer curated the exhibition, which was prepared by the Chair of German Cultural Studies: Modern German Literature and the Book Series Research Unit. It can be visited during the library's opening hours.

Extended opening hours of the University Library during the examination period
09.01.2025  |  

The University Library will have extended opening hours during the examination period. From January 26 to February 16, 2025, the University Library will be open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 9 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm as well as Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm in addition to the regular opening hours. Please let your students know about this. 

Maria Herbster Dissertation award winner

Decision in favor of research was the right one

Dr.-Ing. Maria Herbster was awarded the 2024 Dissertation Prize for her pioneering scientific work on implant materials. Her research is dedicated to the material-related causes of premature wear of endoprostheses and their optimization.

Working at Carrel

New booking platform for workspaces at the University Library
Whether booking individual or group carrels for a day or up to a month - it is now possible to reserve rooms in the University Library via a digital booking platform. The booking is made via SSO login with the university account. The use of all workspaces is free of charge.

Drinking water dispenser

Sustainable refreshment for everyone

Whether chilled or unchilled, sparkling or still - the drinking water from the new water dispensers in buildings 01 and 40 Table water is a modern, climate-friendly and cost-effective alternative to bottled water.

Portrait Julia Becker

Curiosity led her into science

Mechanical engineer Dr.-Ing. Julia Becker received the Karin Witte Prize for Female Scientists 2024 for her research in the field of high-temperature materials used in stationary gas turbines and high-pressure turbines in aircraft engines.

Last Modification: 03.02.2025 - Contact Person: